Ian Kirk

Just a pastor navigating the world

  • Father A.I.

    I’m an advocate of tech (shocking, I know). Yet, I’m wary of how AI has been used. The latest use I’ve run across (even with my better than minimal understanding of the Roman Catholic church) is the former Father Justin (now, “just” Justin). In her article, The real lesson behind the ‘Father Justin’ AI…

  • ZCal for Deputation

    Our District Deputation Manager asked me to setup a way for churches to better directly schedule a missionary speaker. Being the nerd and cheapskate that I am, I decided to use ZCal.co for this project. Having already made enough mistakes myself getting this setup, I decided to make some quick and dirty videos covering…

  • Rule of Life

    I’ve long been interested in the monastic life. Not sure I could handle it, honestly, but then again, God’s not calling me to it, either. That is normally a prerequisite. However, there are certain aspects of it that entice many of us, because we understand that there is indeed something very different about such…

  • One Place Is Me

    Since I am coming to that holy room,         Where, with thy choir of saints for evermore,I shall be made thy music; as I come         I tune the instrument here at the door,         And what I must do then, think here before. Whilst my physicians by…

  • Blinded By What We Know

    Church buildings are still the headquarters of discipleship. More than half of U.S. Christians being discipled say church is the primary place where discipleship happens, emphasizing a need for church spaces that promote such engagement. Christians overwhelmingly favor in-person over online interactions. While not completely opposed to a hybrid approach to church, Christians also feel activities…

  • Virtual Downs and Ups

    Virtual Downs and Ups

    Shockingly (not really), virtual attendance is down across the church landscape. The biggest change? No COVID restrictions or recommendations. The numbers are still quite startling. Gallup puts the percentage at around 5%. However, I suspect a weird twist in the digital realm, where many say they are not attending church, because they (like so…

  • Good vs Better or Best

    Good vs Better or Best

    One of the recent things that has popped up in my thoughts is good, better, best. As my major context is church life, you can be sure that, of course, that’s what’s going on with me. “Don’t present online if you’re not high quality” (read that as commercial broadcast worthy). Except new attenders are…

  • Are THEY Worthy?

    As we discuss church, discipleship, gatherings, small groups, etcetera, and—in particular—the validity (or supposed lack thereof) of digital gatherings in comparison to physical ones…perhaps we ought to ask…are THEY worthy? It’s a provocative question. Who is the “they”? Are they gamers, unchurched, unbelievers, wounded, hurt, ashamed, insulted, assaulted? Are they “worthy”? Are they worthy…

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