Just a pastor navigating the world
Yesterday (on Easter), I woke up (on purpose) before 5am. I had decided to experience Tampa Underground’s Easter gathering. Tampa Underground is a hub-and-spoke model of church, in particular microsites. There is a governing center (the hub) with a whole bunch of committed satellite sites (the spokes). It is different than the American standard…
One of the biggest (and most valid) critiques of doing church online (or, as in the current COVID situation, only online) is the lack of connection. We humans are made for connection. Understand that this is coming from an introvert. I too need connection. There is something about physical connection. There is this matter…
If you had a great first launch of church broadcasting…AWESOME! I\’m really glad! If you didn\’t, I understand completely. Glitches are real. They will happen. Let\’s learn together and move on!
We all compare ourselves to others. Churches compare themselves to other churches. Pastors compare themselves to other pastors. Online streamers compare themselves to online streamers. There is some good in that, as long as one is looking for a goal and to learn. The problem lies in looking at the current state as if…
So it takes lots of different forms and much of that has to do with the context that they’re in. In some cases they’re in persecuted places where, they have to function in underground, which causes them to be forced to be small and reproducing, which we’ve found actually works better from a gospel…
We now have a unique freedom to speak the truth about Jesus Christ in a way that a greater proportion of people will not feel threatened by it.
The gap or dividing line between physical and digital is not quite what we think when it comes to human relationships.
How we measure online attenders and participants matters, especially if we are to measure physical attenders with the same ruler.